Friday, April 2, 2010

Photo Album of Hari

Hari Kumar Shrestha Hari Kumar Shrestha1
Hari Kumar Shrestha3 Hari Kumar Shrestha4

Hari Kumar Shrestha6 Hari Kumar Shrestha7
Hari Kumar Shrestha2 Hari Kumar Shrestha9
Hari Kumar Shrestha8 Hari Kumar Shrestha5

History of Computer

Computers are developed as a result of man’s search for a faster way to calculate. Computers are very fast because data and instructions are represented as pulses within electronic circuits and they travel at the speed of light. Around the fifth century AD Hindu philosophers developed a new method of counting from 0 to 9. This system of counting is called the decimal method. The numbers stated above (0 to 9) are the digits. Digits are a finger or toe, and counting on one’s fingers is called the digital operations. The vast majority of computers seen today are electronic digital computers and their names suggest that they carry out their work by performing high speed digital operations on data. The first electronic digital computers were built in the mid 1940s. Their forerunners were a number of digital devices, of which the abacus is one.