Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Intorduction of Computer

Computer is derived from the Latin word ‘COMPUTARE’ which means ‘calculate’ or ‘count’. So according to this definition, computer is a machine which can perform calculations at very high speed. In other way, computer takes input from the user, processes it, stores in if necessary and gives output in desired form.
Computer operates with electricity so, without electricity we can’t open our computer. As English Language has become an essential media for communication, computer also has a very big role to play in bringing the world together. Computer is used in almost every field in developed countries. With the help of computers, they can send voice mail & in the form of text, they send electronic mail. The information technology is synonymously such as advanced applied computer technology such as in communication & networks these days. Within a minute, man can communicates through Telephone, Fax, & TV from one part of the world to the other.

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